Fox Chain Boating
Ch 1: The Fox Waterway Development History
Ch 2: Blarney Island and the Grass Lake Lotus Beds
Ch 3: Railroads, Gravel, Ice and the Tourist Trade
Ch 4: Boat Line Operators and Excursion Boat Builders
Ch 5: Pre-WWII Boat Racing on the Fox Chain (1896-1941)
Ch 6: Outboard Development, Boat Builders and Ambassadors
Ch 7: Post-Depression Boat Racing on the Fox Chain (1942-1957)
Ch 8: The Chain O’Lakes Boat Club/APBA Racing (1958-1977)
Ch 9: Blarney Island Inboard Drag Boat Racing (1979-2013)
Ch 10: Blarney Island Outboard Drag Boat Racing (1980-2013)